What are some great Disney movies that are on Netflix?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by brandon0818x, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. brandon0818x

    brandon0818x Member

    I've been in the mood for watching some old Disney movies and I'm sure that there are plenty treasures that I have never seen yet! What are the best Disney movies that you have spotted or watched on Netflix?
  2. kinary

    kinary Member

    Mulan 1 & 2, Lion King, Pocahontas, all the Tinkerbell movies

    If you click the more movies like this one on any of the ones above some more should pop up. I can't think of any more off the top my head.
  3. QueenElsa

    QueenElsa Member

    The last time I checked, Netflix had several of the classics...I just search "Disney" and they all come up :)
  4. frozefan77

    frozefan77 Member

    @kinary Mulan is a personal fav as well.

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