Can anyone help my little buddy get back to his home before the Ice Age hits (although it currently feels like it is already here). ; Just as a starter, it is not in the most obvious place it should be.
Re: Where-a-saurus... You would be correct in that it is not at Chester & Hester's. ; Although I think that is where he wants to end up at. ; I will go a little further just so a few more will start chiming in and say that it is not in DinoWorld at all. ; As for a quick clue, I will only say that where my dinosaur friend is to be found is definitely not during his right time.
Re: Where-a-saurus... You are getting closer and on the right track, but CoP represents too many time periods. ; Keep the guesses coming. brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
Re: Where-a-saurus... In a round about way... No. ; Test Track is so cold it makes the Cooling Station look like a sauna. ; CoP is still the warmest just not Lava Hot (see the Dinosaur Age reference there!). ; It's not CAN YOU... it's will you... So keep your spirits up and keep on guessing...
Re: Where-a-saurus... Dennis is making the magma nice and hot, but you are still not in the correct time. ; Set your mind free and take in the entire picture when you are trying to figure out where I am and the location will flow right into your thoughts. ; But then you have to think to yourself, is the clue that was just given too obvious of a clue or is it just that simple? ; Makes ya think...
Re: Where-a-saurus... Well, apparently a Wolff throwing darts in the dark can hit a bullseye every now and again ; ;D ; Yes, it is on the Liberty Belle Riverboat. ; On the lowest level back by the paddle wheel. in the "Captain's" Locked off area. ; I think I tried to get "too" into the clues... "Set your mind free" = Liberty "Flow" = River "Keep your spirits up" = can see the Haunted Mansion as well as the Ghosts of Injun Joe's cave. "CAN YOU" = just slur the words together and get "Canoe" another reference to the River. ; (At least I didn't say it would "Keel" you over...)