Are we coordinating any other part of our apparel at MNSSHP? ; If not, I'll probably wear khaki cargo shorts and a TMIP hat (weather permitting).
news flash, gary picks up special headgear while at super dirt week, wait'll you see this, it'll work great with the t shirts
Just realized this... With everyone that is attending the MNSSHP in their Tombstone tees, are we going to try and have at least one ride through the Haunted Mansion (a group photo in front of the Horseless Carriage might be nice). ; Might this work out after dinner and before the 7:30 Scout Out?
Sounds like a plan to me. Maybe we can even get a photo pass photo with the ghosts! My shirt came today. ; I can't wait to see everyone.
Might want to get a group photo before the sunsets in the HM queue. ; Who is bring their flashes? ; How many Nikon ; users with CLS capable flashes? ; I got one.
Great idea! ; I will be bringing at least one SB800. ; If I can fit a second one in the bag, I'll bring it.
did anyone else's shirt get printed with a solid white block behind the tombstone that was the size of the entire original image? ; mine came that way and it looks horrendous. ; billy's didn't. ; Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk