Pixelmania West - Christmas 2023

Discussion in 'PIXELMANIA!' started by ddindy, Dec 29, 2022.

  1. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    Nancy AK likes this.
  2. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    Our first complication has arrived: The Carthay Circle restaurant is only open for dinner, 4 - 8 pm. Do we want to wait until 4 pm or switch to the Carthay Circle Lounge which opens at 11 am? The lounge features appetizers and drinks, so we could order serveral different appetizers and share them.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2023
    Nancy AK likes this.
  3. We could do a lunch time reservation. I think the time slot is the most important consideration and we need a time slot that doesn't interfere with the evening's activities.

    I found a link to a menu that might be served by the time we get there:
    Nancy AK likes this.
  4. gary

    gary Member

    some of that stuff looks pretty good to me
    Nancy AK and Joanie Eddis-Koch like this.
  5. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    @Nancy AK None of us can reply to your conversation; you must have it locked. The answer to your question is above
    Nancy AK and Joanie Eddis-Koch like this.
  6. Nancy, It might help to read back through the thread to get refreshed on what we discussed as far as planning is concerned. That probably will help with most of the questions that you might have. I know that taking that approach helps me when I need to be reminded of what's going on and what was said.
    Nancy AK likes this.
  7. Nancy AK

    Nancy AK Member

    @ddindy, @Joanie Eddis-Koch Thank you. Sorry my bad. Found the Post.
  8. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    The Holiday tour times are now showing up on the Disneyland web site. The times available for Tuesday, Dec. 4 (the week before we will be going) are 10:25, 10:30, 11:25, 11:30, 12:25 and 12:30. Is everyone good with the 12:30 time? We don't have any dining reservations planned that day and we're spending the morning in DCA.
    Nancy AK and Joanie Eddis-Koch like this.
  9. Jeff Krause

    Jeff Krause Member

    I'm thinking about joining for Disneyland. Is it too late to join? I've never been for Christmas. I would be interested in something like Wed - Saturday. Maybe jump over to Universal to see the new Nintendo world.
    Nancy AK and Joanie Eddis-Koch like this.
  10. No you are not too late! Read both threads so that you understand how far we've gotten in the planning process. The other thread besides this one is here: https://www.wdw360.com/threads/pixelmania-west-2023-official-announcements.22988/

    :):):)We are just about to make dining and party reservations. Look over this list and tell us which ones you want to join us for and we can include you in the reservation numbers.

    We have to start calling WEDNESDAY Oct. 11th so decision time is at hand! Please Let us know by this coming Tuesday.
    @Jeff Krause

    Here are the dates and times of the reservations that we have to make:

    Sunday Dec. 10 Trader Sam's 6 pm - Joanie
    Monday Dec. 11 Carthay Circle 1 pm - Dennis
    Tuesday Dec. 12 Holiday Time tour 4:15 pm : Dennis
    Wednesday Dec. 13 World of Color dessert party 9:15 pm - Joanie
    Friday Dec. 15 Jazz Kitchen 6 pm - Dennis


    For the parties where you have to pay up front, the person making the reservation will pay for that and then you can reimburse us either in person or through an app like Venmo.

    We are happy to hear that you are interested in joining us, and talk about last minute timing!

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
    Nancy AK likes this.
  11. Nancy AK

    Nancy AK Member

    @ddindy I’m good with whatever times! Thank you
  12. I think 12:30 is fine, and if we have to go a little earlier then so be it.
  13. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    Today was the first attempt at dining reservations. Joanie is driving to Florida so we decided that we both would try to get reservations for Trader Sam's. I was able to get 4 seats and 7:45 pm and Joanie didn't get anything. It's disgusting how quickly those reservations disappearing.

    So, do we want to try to add on the fifth person when we get there or do we want to think about alternatives? In Downtown Disney, Splitsville takes advance reservations; Ballast Point (beer and food) and Black Tap (burgers and shakes) do not. Does anyone have other suggestions? Do we want to discuss this during Pixelmania?
  14. gary

    gary Member

    on the table at pixelmania, and maybe when folks hear our cool plans they will want to join in
    Nancy AK likes this.
  15. I think we should just try for it and see if they'll let us add a fifth person. I could always sit on somebody's lap if they can't give us five chairs. After a few Mai Tai's I won't care how weird that will look. You might not either depending upon how much you're drinking.

    There's also the possibility that somebody might be a late arrival and not be able to make that reservation.

    Keep in mind I'll be there already, so if there's any penalty for not showing up for a reservation, I can remove that as part of the equation by simply showing up and drinking enough for five people, of which only four have chairs that they aren't sitting in because they haven't made it to Trader 'Joe's' on time.
    Nancy AK likes this.
  16. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    I was able to get a Carthay Circle Lounge reservation for 5 at 2 pm on Monday, Dec. 11.
    Joanie Eddis-Koch and Nancy AK like this.
  17. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    Reserving the Holiday Time tour was a breeze. We have five spots for the Tuesday tour at 12:30 pm tour. @Joanie Eddis-Koch @gary @mSummers @Nancy AK

    What do you think about swapping our park reservations for Tuesday and Wednesday so we don't have to worry about hopping from DCA on Tuesday?
    Nancy AK likes this.
  18. Park hopping is after 11:00 right? On the one hand we could get more done if we swap the parks and were in the park where the holiday tour would start. That would save us the time of hoping it over to the other park. I'm thinking that we would have to go through security again to park up so it would probably take longer than just a quick walk.

    I don't really have a feel for Disneyland hopping to California Adventure or vice versa, but that's the thought that jumped out in my head first.
    Nancy AK likes this.
  19. I have successfully booked the World of Color dessert Party for five of us, Michael, Dennis, Nancy, Gary and myself.
    Gary has paid for WOC

    The total for this for each person was $89 with all the taxes in gratuities included.
    Let me know how you intend to pay me. Either you can pay me in person during Pixelmania or we can figure out some kind of a fund transfer.

    Right now I'm running around Universal Orlando like a minion on methamphetamine, so I'll try and respond to your payment plans as soon as I have the time.

    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
    Nancy AK likes this.
  20. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    For everyone's information, one we've passed through Disneyland security, we are free to roam Disneyland, DCA and Downtown Disney. If we leave and re-enter, we have to go through security again. Since you can leave DCA and enter the Grand Californian directly, it has security to enter both DCA and DTD.

    Finally, Trader Sam"s is at the Disneyland hotel, west of Downtown Disney. That's why I recommend that we take the alternate route which bypasses Downtown Disney and security altogether. However, if everyone wants to walk through the promenade and DTD just for the atmosphere, I'm fine with that.
    Nancy AK and Joanie Eddis-Koch like this.

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