POTD - Epcot

Discussion in 'Picture of the Day' started by ddindy, Nov 16, 2011.

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  1. haunteddoc

    haunteddoc Member

    Very nice Jeff. ; Where were you standing?
  2. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Thanks- just off to the side a bit along the rail trying to get the best angle on the sunset I could manage
  3. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Love seeing all the F&G shots. ; I'm finally going to get back to Epcot for this, right on the final weekend. ; Haven't seen the F&G since 2006.
  4. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

  5. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

  6. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

  7. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    View past an Odyssey.

  8. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Nice colors, Scott.
  9. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Great colors Scott! ; Looks like it was a nice sunset that night.
  10. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    And to you, too, John.

    Yep, that's about all you can say about this. ; Composition is eh but the golden hour was beautiful that night.
  11. The colors are amazing and while the composition may not be the best ever - as a Disney nut it makes me really happy :)
  12. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Thanks, Katie, and welcome back!
  13. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Funny, the composition is one of the things I really like about it - other than the bit of roof at the top, I really like how the double bumps of the raised walkway jut out over the water, and how the Mexico restaurant catches reflection in the water.
  14. gary

    gary Member

    another vote here for the composition, maybe if it didn't have such golden light i might not like it as much, but i wouldn't have deleted this if it was one of my own, i'm with justin, it's got a kind of epcot symmetry about it, radical in a tubular kind of way, you know, out there, bonus points for the first person to place that movie dialogue
  15. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    One of my background projects at WDW is to duplicate some of the shots I took back in November 1982. ; Here's a "then and now" comparison of the Mexico pavilion. ; Notice any differences?

    November 1982

    Mexico pavilion, 1982

    February 2012

    Mexican jungle
  16. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  17. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Bull Durham, baby!
  18. ELinder

    ELinder Member

    Dennis, as much as I like the lush landscaping Disney has, sometimes I think they go too far. This reminds me of old photos of the Haunted Mansion, where you could, well, actually see it properly.

  19. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    That is cool to be able to do a "Then & Now". ; Amazing how much vegetation grew in there. ; Guess that keeps them from having to mow the grass.
  20. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Last December it was raining up until a few minutes before Illuminations started. ; The smoke would just hang over the water after a long series of fireworks. ; I photographed this before it got too smokey.

    Misty Illuminations by Scottwdw, on Flickr
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
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