The old reverse nifty-fifty lens trick. Nikon D700/50mm (reversed), 1/15s, f/16, ISO 200, EV 0, tripod, cable release, mirror lockup
Coco-roid, like the old SM queue. Nikon D700/50mm(reverse), 1.6s, f/22, ISO 200, EV 0, tripod, cable release, mirror lockup
Thanks! ; No, it was taken on the ground. ; The rocks are on the right, just before you go over the bridge walking away from Tomorrowland. ; Same side as Stitch's Great Escape. ;
OK, where are all the people in these shots? ; Reminds me of a song "Where have all the flowers gone? ; Long time passing..." ; Nice shots!!! (I think I am showing my age.)
By Your Command...more fun with the Nikon 105mm VR macro lens. Nikon D700/105VR, 1/40s, f/8, ISO 6400, EV 0, hand-held.