What...a pun found on TMIP? ; Never happen! ; Thanks...if you check out the blog post, you'll see I had a problem yesterday with my camera/lens combination. ; As a Nikon user, you should take a look in case it happens to you.
Thanks for that tip. ; I have yet to get that message, but will now not panic if/when it happens. ; Incidentally, the other shots from the blog are real nice! ; Well done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I once had a focus problem caused by dirty contacts that I resolved with a tip here on TMIP. ; As a result, I try to clean my contacts a couple of times each year.
Last chance to win a free eclass on my blog today. ; Must submit the link by midnight. Wood Duck Advice by Scottwdw
See how the King of Kodak lived by clicking on the photo. Conservatory for George Eastman by Scottwdw
Thanks, Jeff. ; It was one of those bright, gray winter days. ; I used a 9 bracket set to keep the light coming in thru those windows under control.
WOW, 9?! ; How do you decided how many frames to use to make a particular HDR? ; I mean the Pro HDR app on the phones that you found only does it in 3. ; Is there a formula to figure it out or do you just need to do it enough to learn how many for each scene?
It is all in getting the FULL range of light from dark to light. ; Histograms tell the story here. ; Check out Trey Ratcliff's free online HDR tutorial for an explanation. I usually do 5 at 1 stop increments which is usually enough but the very bright light and the amount of it coming in through those windows and ceiling panes had me trying 7 and than 9 before I got it all covered.
Real nice Scott! ; I like how it does not scream that it is HDR. ; I need to play around with this and learn about it.