Thanks Scott. Yes, a 3 exposure bracket processed in Aperture with the Photomatix plugin, then in Photoshop for the selective color. Erich
Just in case you did not know, HDRSoft posted an update to the Photomatix plugin for Aperture back in July which I installed. ; It is a must have if you have not gotten it yet. DYK, you can do selective color in Aperture, too?
I'll have to check which version I have. No, haven't tried it strictly in Aperture. Native or with a plugin? BTW, haven't had much chance to go thru the Adobe PS book yet. Erich
Here's a link to my blog where I explain how to do Selective Color in Aperture 3. It is very easy. I have peeked at the Scott Kelby book I got this week. ; Camera Raw looks a lot like Aperture's Adjustment HUD. ; Guessing it is much more powerful or it should be for the price. ; I am going to make November my PS learning month and hunker down and get to know it. ; I feel I will use it sparingly for special effects and projects. Especially for my Sports photography. Aperture still will handle most of the grunt work.
OMG is that easier than the selection process I used in Photoshop! Thanks! I have to remember to play with brushing away effects and not only burnishing them in. Erich
Scott, while I have your attention, have you found a way to either copy a brush mask to another effect or duplicate an already brushed effect (ex when strength of 1.0 isn't enough and you want more of the effect)? Erich
I know you can copy or add another brick of the same kind and use it as a brush. ; I do not know if it would create a multiplying effect as I have never tried it.
Stay safe down there, John. ; Have you seen any of the photos from the Fantasy? ; Lots of damage from the rough seas on their last cruise. ; Ship listed about 30 degrees at one point and moved furniture in the rooms. ; The stores were trashed.
Nice work Scott! I think Sandy is going to kill the color down here too even though we aren't supposed to get the brunt of the storm like you are. ; Be careful up there.
Seen that church for years, Dave. Nice capture. After a day like yesterday, it is good to smile. Smile by Scottwdw, on Flickr
Really like the church Dave!! ; Scott, did you use some fill flash for that shot. ; I really like how even the lighting is.