POTD - The Magic Kingdom

Discussion in 'Picture of the Day' started by dishippy, Mar 17, 2011.

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  1. gary

    gary Member

    hey john, great castle shot, makes it look kind of euro eerie
  2. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Thanks Gary! ; Here is a less eerie one.

    Cinderalla Castle #1 by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
  3. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

  4. stephen

    stephen Member

  5. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Flag Retreat Ceremony

  6. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Flag Retreat Ceremony II

  7. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  8. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    Beautiful work Jeff!
  9. Evad

    Evad Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  10. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Thanks guys- I have really been enjoying the 16-35vr
  11. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    I have moved this lens to the top of my buy list.
  12. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

  13. jbwolffiv

    jbwolffiv Member

    From a few years back when I would shoot right at direct light, still love these trees and recovered some of the sky.

    Tomorrowland Trees by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
  14. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    I did an HDR version of this photo but screwed it up. ; Definitely a redo on my next trip.

  15. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  16. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

  17. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

  18. MJHurley

    MJHurley Member

  19. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Scott - that color treatment really works nicely for the street performers.

    MJ - great shot - nice light, and nice angle! ; I love the views of BTMR from the Liberty Belle.

    I snapped this from the Peoplemover...the sky was not that color when I first started the ride, but when we went through Space Mountain and came back out, suddenly the sky had transformed. ; I had to time the shot between passing columns, but just had to get the castle silhouette against that sky:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  20. RedOctober25

    RedOctober25 Member

    Just one word (after the previous few words)... AMAZING!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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