Looks like you have a light out on the second tier like I got but the lower tier looks fully lighted. Or do these lights come on by themselves based on how dark it is? If so, they aren't all on the same circuit. :-[
Yours are all vastly superior to mine (Okay so all of these arent exactly Temple of Heaven but they are in the area ) (December 2008) (Feburary 2009)
Nothing wrong with those! Funny thing the last time I was taking the standard 'reflecting pond' shot of the temple, I thought for a moment they added a new prop to the pond: See the white bird on the rock to the left? I know cranes are a revered symbol in China, so I thought they put a fake crane on the rock. Until I looked at him up close, and realized it was a Florida great egret chilling out there. Made for a beautiful bird portrait:
Thanks Justin! I also have about 25-30 of the flowers/lillypads in the pond but I thought that might be overkill
I was able to do a very similar shot using an Olympus C-60 point and shoot camera on a recent visit [attachment deleted by admin]
great shots from everyone! very nice. I really need to get some more pictures from the China Pavilion
The China Pavilion is going to hold new meaning to us now that we are adoption from China. ; We plan to spend some serious time there taking pictures and looking around the next time we go. ; Other than looking for frogs in the pond, we really don't give the colorful pavilion the attention it deserves
you're right, you guys should definitely plan to take your time and really absorb the details. It should make for a very memorable and special experience for you guys